Transducer Installation Overview
Find thecorrect section for yourtransducer installationtype. If you havea
transommounttransducer,youcanmount it on thetransom(preferred),in thehull,
oryou canpurchase thetrollingmotor adapterand mount it onyour trollingmotor.
Theincluded transduceris designed for transommounting on the boat (directly
exposedto the water). On fiberglass hull boats,this same transducer can be
bondedto the insideof the hull. When mountedinside the hull, the sonarsignal
actually passes throughthe hull of the boat. One of these two mounting
techniqueswill produce acceptableresults on most boats. Thereare, however,
severalsituationsthat may demanda different typeof transducer.Inboard boats,
wood or metal hulls,and sailboats often have unique transducermounting
9TransducerInstallation Overview