4.Verify that the CIMOM is active by finding CIM Object Manager - DS Open API in the Name column of the Services window. For this component, if the Status column is not marked Started, right click on CIM Object Manager - DS Open API and click Start from the pop-up menu. Wait for the Status to change to Started.

5.Verify CIMOM registration with SLP by selecting Start Æ Programs

Æ CIM agent for IBM DS Open API Æ Check CIMOM Registration. The window closes when you press any key, as instructed in the output:

service: wbem:http://tpc035/ 5989, 65535

press any key to continue...

Note: If the verification of the CIMOM registration is not successful, stop and restart the SLP and CIMOM services.

6.Use the verifyconfig command to locate all WBEM services in the local network. This command verifies that you have configured the CIM agent and can connect to at least one ESS. Type the verifyconfig command in a command prompt window in the directory where the CIM agent was installed; for example:

c:\program files\ibm\cimagent>verifyconfig -u <username> -p <password>

where username is the user name and password is the password for the user name that you configured to manage the CIMOM.

If the command is successful, output similar to the following is displayed:

C:\program files\ibm\cimagent>verifyconfig -u guest -p guest

Verifying configuration of CIM agent for the IBM

TotalStorage DS Open Application Programming Interface...

Communicating with SLP to find WBEM services...

3 WBEM services found

host=, port=5989

host=, port=5989

host=, port=5989

Connecting to CIM agent, host=, port=5989

Found 2 IBMTSESS_StorageSystem instances:

Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution

Page 27

David West, David Hartman

For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000


©Copyright IBM Corp. 2007

And Symantec Backup Exec 11d



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Image 27
IBM DS6000, DS8000 manual Service wbemhttp//tpc035/ 5989 Press any key to continue