2. Printer Settings (20 ppm copier)
Item No. | Item | Display message | Available settings | Remarks |
1 | Printer Status Page print out | Print Status Page | No, Print |
| Prints out a list of such items as printer |
| default settings and memory volume, etc. |
2 | Interface selection | Interface | Parallel, Option | “Option” is displayed only when the |
| When the optional Network Card is installed, |
| Network Card is installed. |
| the available interfaces are displayed. The |
| arrow (>) will indicate the currently selected |
| interface. The printer will automatically |
| switch to the appropriate interface for |
| printing. |
3 | Parallel TX/RX mode | Parallel | Auto, Normal, |
| Sets the transmission and reception mode |
| High Speed, |
| when the printer is connected to your |
| Nibble (high) |
| computer with a parallel interface. |
4 | NetWare ON/OFF | NetWare | On, Off | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
5 | NetWare frame type | NetWare Frame | Auto, 802.3, | Displayed only when the NetWare |
| Sets the NetWare frame type. |
| Ethernet II, 802.2, | setting is turned “On”. |
| 802.3 SNAP |
6 | TCP/IP ON/OFF | TCP/IP | On, Off | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
7 | DHCP ON/OFF | DHCP | On, Off | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
8 | IP address | IP Address | Enter the address. | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
9 | Subnet Mask | Subnet Mask | Enter the address. | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
10 | Gateway address | Gateway | Enter the address. | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
11 | EtherTalk ON/OFF | EtherTalk | On, Off | Displayed only when the Network |
| Card is installed. |
12 | Network Card Status Page print out ON/ | Opt. StatusPage | On, Off | Displayed only when the Network |
| OFF |
| Card is installed. |
| Sets whether a Status Page regarding |
| conditions in the Network Card will be |
| printed out as well when the standard Status |
| Page for the printer (item No.: 1) or that for |
| use by your service representative (item No.: |
| 60) are printed out. A more detailed Status |
| Page is printed out together with the |
| “Service Rep Status Page print out” setting |
| (item No.: 1). |
13 | Emulation protocol | Emulation | Line Printer, | Allows you to set a different |
| Sets the emulation protocol that will be used. |
| IBM Proprinter, | emulation for the parallel interface |
| DIABLO 630, | and the Network Card (option). |
| EPSON | Select the desired interface under |
| PCL 6, KPDL, | the “Interface selection” setting |
| KPDL (AUTO) | (item No.: 2). |