BIOS Quick Reference
POST_STATUS_BEFORESETUP | 86h | Password accepted. |
POST_STATUS_CALLSETUP | 87h | Entering setup system. |
POST_STATUS_POSTSETUP | 88h | Setup system exited. |
POST_STATUS_DISPWAIT | 8ah | Display "Wait..." message. |
POST_STATUS_ENABSHADOW | 8bh | Shadow system & video BIOS. |
POST_STATUS_STDCMOSSETUP | 8ch | Load standard setup values from CMOS. |
POST_STATUS_MOUSE | 8dh | Test and initialize mouse. |
POST_STATUS_FLOPPY | 8eh | Test floppy disks. |
POST_STATUS_CONFIGFLOPPY | 8fh | Configure floppy drives. |
POST_STATUS_IDE | 90h | Test hard disks. |
POST_STATUS_CONFIGIDE | 91h | Configure IDE drives. |
POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40G | 92h | Checking ROM BIOS data area. |
POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40H | 93h | Checking ROM BIOS data area. |
POST_STATUS_SETMEMSIZE | 94h | Set base & extended memory sizes. |
POST_STATUS_SIZEADJUST | 95h | Adjust low memory size for EBDA. |
POST_STATUS_INITC8000 | 96h | Initialize before calling C800h ROM. |
POST_STATUS_CALLC8000 | 97h | Call ROM BIOS extension at C800h. |
POST_STATUS_POSTC8000 | 98h | ROM C800h extension returned. |
POST_STATUS_TIMERPRNBASE | 99h | Configure timer/printer data. |
POST_STATUS_SERIALBASE | 9ah | Configure serial port base addresses. |
POST_STATUS_INITBEFORENPX | 9bh | Prepare to initialize coprocessor. |
POST_STATUS_INITNPX | 9ch | Initialize numeric coprocessor. |
POST_STATUS_POSTNPX | 9dh | Numeric coprocessor initialized. |
POST_STATUS_CHECKLOCKS | 9eh | Check KB settings. |
POST_STATUS_ISSUEKBDID | 9fh | Issue keyboard ID command. |
POST_STATUS_RESETID | 0a0h | KB ID flag reset. |
POST_STATUS_TESTCACHE | 0a1h | Test cache memory. |
POST_STATUS_DISPSOFTERR | 0a2h | Display soft errors. |
POST_STATUS_TYPEMATIC | 0a3h | Set keyboard typematic rate. |
POST_STATUS_MEMWAIT | 0a4h | Program memory wait states. |
POST_STATUS_CLRSCR | 0a5h | Clear screen. |
POST_STATUS_ENABPTYNMI | 0a6h | Enable parity and NMIs. |
POST_STATUS_INITE000 | 0a7h | Initialize before calling ROM at E000h. |
POST_STATUS_CALLE000 | 0a8h | Call ROM BIOS extension at E000h. |
POST_STATUS_POSTE000 | 0a9h | ROM extension returned. |
POST_STATUS_DISPCONFIG | 0b0h | Display system configuration box. |
POST_STATUS_INT19BOOT | 00h | Call INT 19h bootstrap loader. |
POST_STATUS_LOWMEMEXH | 0b1h | Test low memory exhaustively. |
POST_STATUS_EXTMEMEXH | 0b2h | Test extended memory exhaustively. |
POST_STATUS_PCIENUM | 0b3h | Enumerate PCI busses. |
Celeron™ Processor Development Kit Manual |