IntroductionChapter 1
7PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual

Power LED

The power (left) LED shows a steadygreen when the power is plugged in
and when theprinter is awake after coming out of a sleep mode.

Radio Button

Press the third button, the Radio Button,totoggletheradioonoroff.
SIf the button is pressed when the RF power is of f, then the printer emits
one shortbeep before turning on the RF power.
SIf this button is pressed when the RF power is on, the pr inter emits two
short beeps before turning off the RF power.

SingleColor (Blue) Radio LED

The single-color (blue) radioLED indicator shows the current status of
the RF power for thisprinter as follows:
Printer State RadioS tate RadioPower State
Asleep Off Off
Awake Off Off
Asleep Momentaryflash at 1 every 5 seconds On
Awake On On

SingleColor (Green) Power LED

printer power as follows:
Printer State ColorLED and Meani ng
Asleep Off
Awake Green
Power is provided to the printer throu gh a cable permanently installed in
the vehicle. See “Inside Sales” for orderinginformation and part numbers.