TroubleshootingChapter 4
34 PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Check the Power Source
The printer will automaticallypower down after a configurable period of
inactivity. Activity is either sendingdata or pressing a button. The timer
resets during printing. You can awake the pr inter either by sending data or
pressing either the Forwardor the Reverse buttonontheuserpanel.
If there is power, the power LED turns on and th e print head moves to its
“home” or starting position. If the printer emits beeps and power LED
lights up or flashes, observe the number of be eps and flashes and refer to
If there is no reaction from the printerafter pressing a button on the user
panel, or only the power LED blinks, verify that the power cables are
properly connected between the printer and i ts power source (internal bat-
tery, vehicle cable, or ac). If neither of these steps“wake” up the problem
printer, then return the printer for service.
Vehicle cable: Attach the printer to another vehicle power cable.
AC power: Plug the printer into another outlet.
Large Print Jobs
Printing large files with 15 pagesor more can cause lost data issues because
of limited printer buffer size and time out length on the mobile compute r.
To prevent problems,you can adjust the time out lengths on the mobile
computer. If you encounter a problem concerning large print jobs, contact
Customer Support at 800-755-5505f orf urther help
Printer Cold-Boot
Shouldyou need to reset the Fixed Mount Printer, simply remove power
from the printer, waita few moments,then return power to the printer.
Note: Each time theprinter is powered up, it reads flash values into RAM.
As long as the printer is on and awake, it updates those values in RAM.
When the printer is poweredoff, or falls asleep,the values are written into
flash. If power is disconnected insteadof the printer being powered off or
falling asleep, then updates in RAM are lost.
Press and hold the Forward button through a form feed (more than f ive
lines). If it is still held down at the end of the f orm feed, it prints the self-
test. Internaltests are performed and a 1-page report is printed. This re-
port provides helpful tips in diagnosing/troubleshooting pr inter problems.
Note: You can abort the self-test by pressing a bu tton while it is printing.