CommandsAppendix A
44 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
Below are the commandsand the pages where their information begins:
SBluetooth Wireless Configuration (next paragraph)
SEasy Print (page 45)
SQuery (page 46)
Some of these commands are identified as Easy Print commands, which
must be preceded by ESC EZ. Printers must alsoreceive the “{” as part of
the ESC EZ sequence to be placed into Easy Print mode.

Bluetooth Wireless Configuration Commands

All commandsare enclosed in ‘{’ and ‘}’. They begin with three letters; if
there is data that follows the letters are terminated with a colon “:”. Each
parameter can be configuredis identified by a unique letter, followed by a
colon, followedby the data for that parameter. If the configurationtype
permits,multiple parameters can be changed in onecommand by separat-
ing them with a semicolon “;”. All commands must be sent in uppe rcase..
Spaces in the data are not allowed unless they are part of the data.
After receiving the command, the data is written to flash and the printer
restarts using the new values. This all takes less than one second.
1Configure default values. ALL configu ration parameters can reset to
their original default(non-printer specific) values by sending “{CDV}” -
Configure Default Values
2Configure Bluetooth. As of this date, only the Blu etooth Friendly Name
can be reconfigured by sending a command of the form
SF: <data> for Friendly Name (Device Name)
Send up to 16 characters.
SD: <data> for Discoverable (<data> = Y/N)
SC: <data> for Connectable (<data> = Y/N)
SB: <data> for Bondable (<data> = Y/N)
SE: <data> for Encryption (<data> = Y/N)
SA: <data> for Authentication (<data> = Y/N)
SP: <data> for Passkey
Send up to 16 characters (default passkey is “passkey”)
SI: for Inactivity Timeout (see pages 22 and 55 for more information)