CommandsAppendix —A
46 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
Query CommandsNote: Any time ESC is used in a command, the command needs to con-
tain the actual ASCII character for ESC (0x1B), not the letters E-S-C .
included in the documentation for readability.
Queries can be sent to the PK80 Printer via the Bluetooth or the RS-232
data link. The printer’s reply to a query r eturns information about the
printer or the printrequest. There are three steps involved:
1Frame your queryusing the correct command format.
2Send the Query (for example, via an applicati ons program or a terminal
emulator such as “Terminal” in the Windows Accessories group).
3Use the appropriatetable to interpret the printer’s reply.
Interpreting the Reply to a Query
Consult the table for each Query command to interpret the reply. Each
reply containsseveral pairs of letters. The first letter or “query character” is
separatedfrom the reply character by a colon (:) and the pair is followed
by a semicolon (;). Example: E:N; (part of the reply to a STATUS query).
According to the STATUS table, the Erefers to “errors“ in Easy Print
Commands. An Nmeans “no errors.”
QuickReferenc e
Command Format Description
Status ESC{ST?} Returns informationabout the printer’s ability to print
the next report, andre portsany errors from the last
printreque st, such as papercondition, command errors,
buffer size, or battery voltage.
Configuration ESC{CF?} Returns information about configu ration options, such
as baud rate, default mode,time -out,etc.
Version ESC{VR?} Returns the version number of the loaded firmware,
boot code, and download files.
Memory ESC{MY?} Returns the size of all memory available— the amount
used and the amount remain ing for the application.
Print Head ESC{PH?} Returnstheprintheadtypeinuseandthenumberof
Fonts ESC{FN?} Returns a list of available fonts.
Note: The order of the printer’sreply to a query may change, and new
queries will be added.Therefore, search for the “Query character” to find
data whenever interpreting the reply to a q uery.