GraphicsPrintingAppendix —C
63PK80Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual
ESC^ — Select 9-PinGraphics ModeThis control code sequence enables 9-pin graphics. The variable mdefines
the density of the print where 0equals single density and 1equals double
density. Since this is 9-pin graphics, two data bytes mu st represent each
dot columnto print. The total number of dot columns to printis repre-
sented by n1 and n2, which indicates the length of the graphic string di-
vided by 2 that immediately follows. The length of the graphic str ing di-
vided by 2 must equal n1 +(n2 * 256). Graphic string data that exceeds
the length of theprint line is discarded. The maximum number of col-
umns to print in this modeis 480 for single-density graphics and 960 for
double-densitygraphics. Ensure adjacent dots in a given dotrow are not
printed in double-densitygraphics design.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 5e mn1n2
ESC* — Select GraphicsModeThis controlcode sequence enables the graphic mode represented by the
variablemas show ni nth e table below. The total number of dot columns
to print is representedby n1 and n2, which indicates the length of the
graphic stringthat immediately follows. The length of the graphic string
must be equal n1 +(n2 * 256 ). Graphic string data that exceeds the
length of the print line is discarded.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 2a mn1n2
Mode mDotsper Inch PrintSpeed Numberof Passes
Single-density 0 60 200 1 (unidirectional)
Double-density 1120 150 1(unidirectional)
High-speeddouble-density * 2 120 200 1 (unidirectional)
Quadruple-density * 3240 70 2 (unidirectional)
CRT I 4 80 150 1 (unidirectional)
Single-densityplotter 572 150 1 (unidirectional)
CRT II 690702
Double-densityplotter * 7144 70 2
*Note: Adjacentdots, in a given row, cannot print in this mode.
Draft mode is single pass, bi-directional,and prints at the highest speed
because it never prints adjacenthalf dots.
Half dot modes must go slower.
Unidirectional modes can be fast or slow depending on dot adjacency.
High qualityprint modes are slower because they print adjacent dots.