GraphicsPrintingAppendix —C
67PK80Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual
User-Defined CharactersTo maintain 6820 Printer graphic compatibility,the PK80 Printer must
also supportuser-defined characters. User-defined charactersallow for the
design of:
SNew alphabets and typefaces
SMathematical and scientific symbols
SGraphic patterns to serve as building blocks for larger designs
User-definedcharacters are stored in temporary memory (RAM). RAM-
based definition, or redefinition, of standar d characters is only allowed
when the default SBCScode page is selected. There is no method to rede-
fine characters in the other code pages since unique code pages can be
created andloaded into the printer font memory (FLASH) for use. The
following codesdeal with user defined characters and their selection into
ESC: — CopyROM to RAM
This command sequence copies the characters from ROM into RAM so
that a completeuser-defined character set is created by editing selected
characters. This is helpfulwhen user-defined character sets are selected so
that allcharacters are defined. This eliminates the need to unselect the
user-defined character setwhen printing characters that were not defined.
This commandis only available when the default SBCS character set is
Note: The three sets of zeros followingthe ESC : are part of the com-
Hexadecimal Format
1b 3A 00 00 00
ESC & — Define User-Defined Characters
This commandsequence allows characters to redefine in the currentlyse-
lected mode. Use this command in draft mode only. Any character from
0–255 may be redefined. Value k1 is the character code of the first charac-
ter to redefine. Value k2 is the character code of the lastcharacter to de-
fine. Valuek1 may equal k2 if only one character code is define d.
For each character defined, supply 12 bytes of data. The f irst byte (s1)de-
scribes the character format. The bottom four bits are the e ndposi tion in
the character grid. The next three bits represe ntth e start position in the
grid. Bit 7 representswhether the character uses the top eight pins or the
top eight pins. When bit 7 =1, the bottom four bits are used.
The start andend positions are ignored during character imagingbut must
be accurate to redefine the character code.