MaintenanceChapter —3
28 PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Inside CleaningLet the printer cool before you clean the inside o f the printer, or you
may burn your fingers.
Open the printer coverand inspect the ribbon cartridge and all visible
moving parts on the printer mechanism for signs of wear or damage.
1Head gap adjust er
2Ribbon cartridge
4Thumb wheel (green)
5Pinfeed holder
Thisillust ration showsth e visible moving parts of the printer m echanism.
Use a low-pressure, dry air source, such as “canned air” av ailable at elec-
tronic supply houses and typewriter repair facilities, or a vacuu m, tor e-
move accumulated paper dust from the printer mechanism.
The printer ribboncontains a special lubricant to ensurethat the fine dot
wires inside the printhead receive adequate lubrication. Replace the rib-
bon frequentlyto prolong the life of the print head. The printer requires
no additional user-applied lubrication. Ribbon cartridges, available in
black or purple, are sold separately. See “Inside Sales” in Chapter 1 for or-
dering informationand part numbers.