OperationChapter 2
22 PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Printer Behavior
This lists behaviors you can expectwhen working with your printer.


Below are some tips to remember when working with Bluetooth:
SThe Bluetooth connection is automatically closed when the pr inter falls
SThe Bluetooth connectionis automatically closed when there has been
no Bluetoothactivity for a period of time. You can configure this period
of time viathe {BL:xxx} command, where “xxx” ranges from 60 to
65535 seconds (1 minute to more than 18 hours).
SFor the BluetoothQuery, add the “I” parameter, which respondswith
the inactivity timer specifiedin the previous bullet.
See Appendix A, “Commands” for more informationabout the “I” parame-
ter and the inactivity timer.


If the power LED is green, but the printeris not printing, press and hold
both the Forward and Reversebuttons. If the powe rL ED lights up, refer
to the following table:
Printer Failure Indicators
Setsof Beeps Meaning
1 set of13 beeps Configurationerror.
2 sets of3 beeps Paper Out.
3 sets of4 beeps Home switch failure.
4 sets of2 beeps Head Jam.
4 sets of4 beeps Flash write error.
12 sets of 12 beeps Operating system software failure.