CommandsAppendix —A
54 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
ESC E This enablesthe emphasized (bold) mode.
ESC EZ{ This sets the Easy Print mode and must include a curlybracket “{” to be compatible
with the emphasized (bold) mode.
ESC F This disablesthe emphasized (bold) mode.
ESC M This sets the elite pitch mode, but doesnot cancel the double wide, emphasized, or
ESC P This selects thepica pitch mode.
ESC W n Thisenables or disables th e double wide mode. If n=1, then enable the double wide
mode. If n=0, then disable the double wide mode.
ESC w n This selects the font with single character name n.
ESC s n Thisinitiates the print job status reportwhere each individual bit in ’n’ turns on or off
one automatic report. See Chapter 4, “Troub leshooting” for informationabout the print
job status report.
ESC e This stops the print job status report.