GraphicsPrintingAppendix —C
62 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
ESCL — SelectLow-Speed Double-Density Graphics ModeThis control codesequence enables low-speed 8-pin double-density graph-
ics. The total number of dot columns to print is repr esented by n1 and n2,
which indicates the lengthof the graphic string that immediately follows.
The length of the graphic string must equal n1 +(n2 *256). Graphic
string data that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded. The maxi-
mum number of columns to print in this mode is 960.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 4c n1 n2
ESCY — Select High-SpeedDouble-Density Graphics ModeThis control codesequence enables high-speed 8-pin double-density
graphics. The total number of dot columns to print is represented by n1
and n2, which indicates the length of the graphic string that immediately
follows. The length of the graphic string must equal n1 +(n2 *256).
Graphic stringdata that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.
The maximum number of columns to print in this mode is 960. Ensure
adjacent dotsin a given dot row are not printed in graphic data design.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 59 n1 n2
ESCZ — Select Low-SpeedQuadruple-Density Graphics ModeThis control codesequence enables low-speed 8-pin quadruple-density
graphics. The total number of dot columns to print is represented by n1
and n2, which indicates the length of the graphic string that immediately
follows. The length of the graphic string must equal n1 +(n2 * 256 ).
Graphic stringdata that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded.
The maximum number of columns to print in this mode is 1920. Ensure
adjacent dotsin a given dot row are not printed in graphic data design.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 5a n1 n2