OperationChapter —2
20 PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Adjustt he PinfeedHolders
Note: There are two pinfeedholders, one next to the green thumb wheel
and one oppositethe same wheel. Always loosen the pinfeed holder oppo-
site the green thumb wheel.
Adjustingthe pinfeed holder next to the green thumb wheel may cause
information toprint in the wrong place. If this pinfeed holder is moved,
correct its locationby releasing the pinfeed holder tab, moving the pinfeed
holder as closeto the green thumb wheel as possible, then locking the
pinfeed holdertab, before adjusting the opposite pinfeed holder.
If the paper does not properly fiton the two pinfeed holders Follow these
steps to adjustthe area between the two pinfeed holders to fit the width of
the paper. See the illustration on the next page.
1With the pinfeed holdersopen, release the locking tab on the pinfeed
holder opposite the green thumbwheel.
2Adjust the pinfeedholders to align the pins with the paper.
3Close the pinfeedholder.
4Ensure that thepaper is smooth (no folds, bulges, bows, etc.) between
the pinfeed holders.If so, push the locking tab down on the pinfeed
holder that you adjusted.
1Pinfeed holder
2Locked pinfeed holder locking tab
3Released pinfeed holder locking tab
4Thumb wheel (green)