Troubleshooting—Chapter 4
39PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
SolutionTestor CauseSymptom
Nopaper feed (head jam). When I
move the print head manuallyfrom
sideto side, the print head is resist-
(1)Ribbon may be jammed. (1)Remove ribbon cartridge and
turn knob. Ifribbon resis ts, replace
ribbon cartridge. See page 13 for in-
(2)Mask spring may be bent or dam-
30 fori nstructions.
(3)Print head gap adjuster may be
(3)Set the head gap adjuster to the
fifth notch away from the paper. See
page 14 forins tructions.
(4)Paper s craps are found in the
printer mechanism or around platen.
(4)If the ribbon cartridge bumps
against the inside of the printer,
check the white ribboncable, home
positionsensor, and four screws. Re-
move any paper scraps and do a
Communications with Host ComputerThe self-test report can verify that the communications protocol options
selected for the printer match those expected by the host computer. I f
these options do not match, then reconfigure the printer using Easy Print
commands or the PK80 Configuration program. See Appendix A, “Com-
mands,” for more informationabout the Easy Print commands.
If the protocol options do match, then the data communications cable may
be defective. Verify that the cable is workingby substituting a new cable
or host computer. Also check the computervehicle dock.