OperationChapter 2
14 PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
When the printer is powered on or awakened, the print head will find
“home” by advancingaway from home, then returning to home, or by re-
turning to home if starting from another location, such as where it stopped
when the last printingjob was complete.
When printing is complete,the print head remains where it stopped with a
low hold energy appliedto the print head. Further printing activity begins
from this stopped point. If there is no activity after ten seconds, the print
head returns to its home position and is no longer held in place. If the
print head is moved from this position,the printer will relocate to its
home position before printing again.
The head gap adjuster is near the printer mechanism on the side opposite
the green thumb wheel. The print head adjuster has five notches between
the print head and the platen for different paper thicknesses.
Verify the thickness of the paper loaded into the printer.
SIf you are using single-sheet forms, set the head gap adjuster to the third
notch away from the paper.
SIf you are using multiple-sheetforms (2-ply or 3-ply), set the head gap
adjuster to the fourth notch away from the paper.
SIf you experience frequent head jams, set the head gapadjuster to the
fifth notchaway from the paper. This may stop the head jams.
SIf the 2-ply and 3-ply paper have light printing, setting the gap adjuster
to a closer setting will darken the print.
Thisillust rating shows the pr int head adjuster s et on its third not ch.