GraphicsPrintingAppendix —C
64 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
ESC ? — Reassign Graphics ModeThis command sequence changes one graphics mode toanother . The vari-
able sis a character(K,L,Y, or Z) which is reassignedto a mode n(0–7).
Hexadecimal Format
1b 3f sn
ESC + — Print Character GraphicsThis command sequence enables the printing of character graphics. The
variablenis the length of the character graphics string. The variable drep-
resents the character graphics data stream for a length of nch aracters. The
value of the characters in the graphics data string may be from 0–255.
With this command, certain character values 0–31 are printable graphics
symbols rather than non-printable control codes. See ES C I for limitations.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 2b nd
ESC t — Print Character GraphicsThe desired behavior is that this command is allowedfor compatibility
with the 6820 80-Column Printer but causes no action on the PK80
Printer. The default behavior for the PK80 Pr inter is ESC t 1,character
graphics enabled. If any graphics characters are talle r than nine dots, the
printer advances the paper and prints the remaining dots. Any space ad-
vanced by the printerreduces the distance advanced by the printer when
the next line-feed occurs.
However, if it is determined that this desired behavior too greatlyimpacts
development time or printer speed, an allowable alternative is as follows:
This command sequence controls the printing of character graphics.
When the variable n=0,graphicscharacterstallerthanninedotsare
truncated, only the top nine dots of the character are printed. Whe nn=
1, graphics characters are printed in their entirety , the printer prints one
line, then if necessary, advances the paper and prints another. Any space
advanced by the printer reduces the distance advanced by the printer
when the next line-feedoccurs. The default mode is ESC t 0.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 74 n