GraphicsPrintingAppendix C
65PK80Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual
Line Spacing
To print figures taller than eightdots on 9-Pin printers, the print head
makes more thanone pass. The printer prints one line, then advances the
paper and prints another, just as it does with text.
To keep the print headf romleaving gaps between the graphics lines as it
does betweenthe text lines, the line spacing must change to eliminatethe
space between lines. With a change in line spacing, you can produce finely
detailedgraphic images that give no indication that they are made up of
separate lines.

ESC0 — Select 1/8-inch Line Spacing

This control code sequence sets the line spacing to 1/8 of an inch for sub-
sequent line-feed commands.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 30

ESC1 — Select 7/72 -inchLine Spacing

This control code sequence sets the line spacing to 7/72 of an inch for sub-
sequent line-feed commands.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 31

ESCA — Selectn/72 -inchLine Spacing

This control code sequence sets the line spacing to n/72 of an inch for sub-
sequent line-feed commands.The variable nmust be from 0–85.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 41 n

ESC2 — Select 1/6-inch Line Spacing

This control code sequence sets the line spacing to 1/6 of an inch for sub-
sequent line-feed commands.This is the default line spacing at power on.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 32

ESC3 — Select n/216-inch Line Spacing

This control code sequence sets the line spacing to n/216 of an inch for
subsequent line-feed commands. The variable \fln must be fr om0–255.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 33 n