FontsAppendix —B
58 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
Default FontsName
Name Description Comments
PR437 A (41h) 255CH PICA CP437RE G 255characters, pica pitch mode (10 cpi), Code Page 437
ER437 B (42h) 255CH ELIT CP437 REG 255characters, elite pitch mode (12 cpi), Code Page 437
PI437 C (43h) 255CHPICA CP437 ITA 255 italics characters, pica pitch mode (10 cpi), Code Page 437
EI437 D(44h) 255CH ELIT CP437 ITA 255italics characters, elite pitch mode (12 cpi), Code Page 437
Downloadable FontsUse the PK80 configuration program, Intermec MFlash, to download
these fonts. See your Intermec representative f or more information about
this program.
Note: All these fonts are now loaded in your PK80 Printer at the factory.
Name Description Comments
PR437 A CodePage 437 255 char CodePage 437 Pica
ER437 BCode Page 437 255ch ar CodePag e 437E lite
PI437 C CodePage 437 Italics 224 char CodePage 437 Italics Pica
EI437 DCode Page 437Italics Elite 224 char CodePag e 437Italics Elite
ARABT d Bitstream Proportional 224 char Arabic traditional
ARABS eBitstream Proportional224 char Arabic simplified
ARABE f Epson Proportional 224 char Arabic emapped simplified
GRDOS gCodePage Greek 224 char CodePage (Greek)
GRWIN h Greek Windows 224 char Windows Mapping(Greek)
ISO10 iISO 8859-1 255 char ISO01 Pica Regular (draft)
ISO12 j ISO 8859-1 255 char ISO01 Elite Regular (draft)
PRI09 lISO 8859-9 192 char ISO8859 -9Pica Reg (Turkish)
ERI09 k ISO 8859-9 192 char ISO 8859-9 Elite Reg (Turkish)
HBISO mISO 8859-8192 char ISO 8859 -8Pica (Hebrew)
HBDOS n DOS Code Page CP862 DOS Code Page 862 (Hebrew)
CY110 +CodePage CP866 254 char Code Page 866 (Cyrillic)
CY210 - ISO8859-5 255 char ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic)
DL210 ^CodePag e 852 224 char Code Page 852 Pica
DL212 _ Code Page 852 224 char Code Page 852 Elite
DOS10 pCodePage 437 with Eurosign CodePage 437 (Latin) with Eurosign at 7F