CommandsAppendix —A
50 PK80Series 80-Column PrinterUser’s Manual
ESC{MY?}— MemoryThis returns the size of allmemory available in the printer, including the
amount used and the amount remaining for the application.
ReplyF ormat
ReplyE xample
SMY! ThisisareplytoaMEMORYquery.
SFS:1M; This printer containsa 1 M B flashmemory.
SFM:AMD; The Flash Manufacturer is AMD.
SRS:1M; RAMSize=1MB.
SDT:049152; Total Flash area available for Download is 49,152 bytes.
SDR:000512; Download Flash memory Remaining. Out of the 49,152
bytes, 512 bytes remain available.
Query Reply Definition of Reply
FS 1MB,4MB Flashsize:
1 MB(128 KB) or 4 MB (512 KB)
FM AMD Flash manufacturer is AMD
RS 1MB RAMsizeis1MB(128KB)
DT nnnnnn Downloadtotal area = nnnnnnbytes
DR nnnnnn DownloadRAM re maining = nnnnnn bytes