OperationChapter 2
19PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Load Paper into Printer
Follow these steps to load the paper into the printer, or paper jams
may occur.
Paper for the PK80 Series Printer has per forated strips that fit onto the
pinfeed holderpins, guiding the paper into the printer. This paper issold
separately in 1-, 2-, or 3-ply forms. See“Inside Sales” in Chapter 1 for order-
ing information and part numbers.

Positionthe Paper

1Open the pinfeed holdersoutward.
2Take the top edge of the sheet of paper and position it, original side fac-
ing down, over the pinfeedholder pins.
3Align thefirst few holes of the paper, on each side of the paper, onto the
pinfeed holder pins.
4Close the pinfeedholders.
5Raise the paper bail.
Note: Go to the next pageto adjust the pinfeed holders.