Operation—Chapter 2
23PK80Series 80-Column User’sManual
Printer Runs Out of PaperWhen a paper outageoccurs, the printer emits three short beeps, pauses,
then emits threemore short beeps to indicate the printer is out of paper.
Below is what you should expect when you do any of the following:
The printer times out, reports a “Time Out” statu s, cancels the print
job, and cancels automatic reporting.
Insertpaper beforethe printer times ou t
The printer reportsa “Paper In” status and resumes printing.
Stopthe print job — press the Forward button
The printer reportsa “Kill Job” status, flushes the print buffer, cancels
automatic reporting, and readies for another print job.
Turnoff the printer — press both the Forward and Reverse buttons
The printer reportsa “Printer Off” status, flushes the print buffer, can-
cels automatic reporting, and shuts down.
See Chapter 1, “Introduction,” for information about the Forward and Re-
verseb uttons on the control panel.
The printer reports all activity to the pri nt job status report described on
the next page.
Printer Head JamsWhen the printer headjams, the printer emits two short beeps, pauses,
emits two morebeeps, pauses again, and continues until it emits eight
beeps in all. What to expect when you do oneof the following:
The printer times out, reports a “Time Out” statu s, cancels the print
job, and cancels automatic reporting.
Stopthe print job — press the Forward button
The printer reportsa “Kill Job” status, flushes the print buffer, cancels
automatic reporting, and readies for another print job after the print
head jam is cleared.
Turnoff the printer — press both the Forward and Reverse buttons
The printer reportsa “Printer Off” status, flushes the print buffer, can-
cels automatic reporting, and shuts down.
See Chapter 1, “Introduction,” for information about the Forward and Re-
verseb uttons on the control panel.
Go to page 14 for information about the print head.
The printer sends all activity to the print job s tatus report described on the
next page.