GraphicsPrintingAppendix C
61PK80Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual
Graphics Mode

Eight-Pin Graphics Modes

All 8-pingraphics functions require parameters, n1 and n2,whichrepre-
sent the length of the graphics string that follows the Select Graphics Mode
command, and are calculated as follows (assuming a temporary v ariable n):
n= total number of graphicsdots needed for the graphic string
n2 = integer of (ndivided by 256)
n1 = remainder of the n2 calculation
The simplest calculation,is to divide n(total number of dots needed for
the graphics string) by 256. Then n2 is the quotient (the whole number)
and n1 is the remainder. If you require less than256 dots (columns),then
n1 indicates the number of dots and n2 is set to zero.

Nine-Pin Graphics Modes

These 9-pin graphics functionsalso require two parameters, n1 and n2.
However, they are calculated slightly diff erent than in the 8-pin graphics
modes. Since each dot column to print must be repr esented by two data
bytes, the total length of the graphic string (following the Select ... Graphics
Mode command)first need to divide by 2. These parameters are calculated
as follows(assuming a temporary variable n):
n= total number of dotsneeded, divided by 2
n2 = integer of (ndivided by 256)
n1 = remainder of the n2 calculation
First, divide n(the total number of dots neededfor the graphics string) by
2, then divide the result by 256. Then, n2 is the quotient (the whole num-
ber) and n1 is the remainder. If you require less than 256 dots(columns),
then n1 indicates the number of dots and n2 is set to zero.
Pins are numbered 1–9, top to bottom,with byte 1 containing the infor-
mation for pins 1–8. Pin 1 isthe most significant byte (MSB) of byte 1.
Byte 2 containsthe information for pin 9 and is the MSB of this byte.

ESC K — Select Single-Density Graphics Mode

This control code sequence enables 8-pin single density graphics. The total
number of dot columns to print is represented by n1 and n2,whichindi-
cates the length of the graphic string that immediately follows. The length
of the graphic stringmust equal to n1 +(n2* 256). Graphic str ing data
that exceeds the length of the print line is discarded. The maximum num-
ber of columns to print in this mode is 480.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 4b n1 n2