CommandsAppendix A
45PK80Series 80-Column Prin ter User’s Manual


ESC EZ{CBT:F:MyPrinter}
would configure the Bluetooth Friendly
Name (AKA Bluetooth Device Name) to MyPrinter.
ESC EZ{CBT:F:BTPrinter;D:N;C:Y;E:Y;A:Y;P:Passkey1}
be discoverable but would be connectable, encryption can be used, authen-
tication is required, and the passkey is ”Passkey1”.
Easy Print Commands
{CT:nnn} Configuresthe timeout where nnn can be 15–9998 seconds. 9999 sec-
ondswill cause the printer to NEVER timeout.
{CB:n} Configures the baud rate where ncorresponds to the desired baud rate:
0=1200, 1=2400, 2=4800, 3=9600, 4=19.2K (19200),5=38. 4K
(38400), 6=57.6K (57600), and 7=115.2K (115200).
{CN:n} Configuresthe number of data bits where ncan be 7 or 8
{CP:n} Configures parity, where ncan be N (noparity), E (even parity), or
{CC:n} Configures the carriage return to automatically add LF to CR, where n
{COMMIT} None ofth e twoletter configuration commands will take affect until the
COMMIT command is sent. When {COMMIT} is sent, the values are
written to flash andth e printer is restarted. When it restarts, it will use
the defaultconfiguration, which in most printers is NOT Easy Print. To
doadditional configuration, you will need to put the printer back into
EasyPrint mode.
{CH:n} Configures handsha king. Valid values are None (N), Hardware(H ),
Software(S), or Both(B)
{CR:nn} Configures the radiotime out. Valuesof 0 or 65535 disable the radio
timeout. Other valid values are 1–65534.
test printout, but they have no operational ef fect yet.
{CS:n} Configures the beepereither ON or OFF where n=Y for beeper
ONor N for beeper off.
{LP} This returns the printer to a lineprinter mode.
{S} This returns a status command. The response is of the
{U:1234;P;D;O;RDY} form where the Pposition indicates paper is
presentand an Nin the same position indicates no paper. All other
characters are fixed.
{IPL: 0xAA 0x55} This jumps the printerto the boot code for erasure and subse-
quent downloads.