Settings Using the Terminal Software of a PC


During the power of the unit is off, connect the SERIAL 2 port of the unit to the COM port of the PC with cross cable.

Set the Protocol select switch of Serial Port 2 to SERVICE.


Some PC may restart the unit when PC is turned on with the unit connected to PC via serial port.

Start terminal software on the PC.

Launch the terminal software using the PC. For Windows XP:

[Start] [Accessories] [Communication] [Hyper Terminal]

Set the terminal software as follows:

Baud rate: 115200bps

Data length: 8 bits

Parity: None

Stop bit: 1 bit

Flow control: None

Launch screen

When the DM-NC40 is running, the prompt will appear in the terminal software when the Enter key is pressed.

(Terminal software cannot work during Telnet is connected to the unit. Please terminate telnet before using terminal software.)

When “dm-nc40 login:” appears on the screen, enter “nc40api” as the login name and “dmnc40” as the password and then press the Enter key.

Enter commands while in this state.
