The following display appears:
Note: If you are unsure whether you chose the right option from a previous menu, you can go back a step at any time during the First installation process by pressing
the (red) button.
Press the buttons here to select the connection type and signal configuration for the tuners set on the receiver by you or the engineer.
You have the following options:
Installed system
-“LNB/DiSEqC™ System”: Conventional satellite reception (simple digital satellite system)
Connection type for tuner 2
-“Separated”: Tuner 2 (input) has its own signal input, i.e. a direct connection between the antenna socket and the tuner 2 input
Signal configuration for tuner 2 (only in “Separated” connection type)
-As for tuner 1: Both tuners are connected to the same signal source (same cable from LNB)
-Different from tuner 1: The two tuners are connected to different signal sources (separate cables from LNB)
Press the ! (green) button to move to the next menu. The notes on the subsequent First Installation menus are divided into two columns. The
The satellites shown in the following screenshots are factory preset. To be able to receive the satellites you want, your system must be aligned to them!