∙Each window should contain an option entitled Previous Menu. Typically, you are returned to the previous menu after completing a definition. If you are not returned to the previous menu after completing a definition, or you want to return without altering the default or previously defined value, select the Previous Menu option:
—Use the arrow keys to position the highlight cursor over the Previous Menu option or press the PAGEDOWN key to automatically position the highlight cursor over the Previous Menu option.
—Press the Return/Enter key.
∙If you receive a message indicating that an accessory is not installed, press the Return/Enter key to continue. This message indicates that the option selected requires an accessory which is not physically installed and/or properly defined to the software. In either instance, contact your Kodak service representative to properly install and/or define the accessory.
∙If you receive a message that indicates a selection is not available, press the Return/Enter key to continue. This message indicates that the option selected is not available in the mode selected, or is not available for the machine configuration.
Using the Mode Setup Software Questionnaire and Instructions
There are two pieces of documentation designed for use with the Mode Setup Software: the Installation Instructions, which provide information on how to install, access and use the software to define the available options; and the Installation Questionnaire, which provides a convenient form on which to record all of the machine and mode definitions.
The Installation Instructions describe all of the available options which can be defined using the Mode Setup Software.
NOTE: Not all options are available using a given machine configuration. Hence, each definition is accompanied by a configuration key which indicates whether or not the option is available for each machine configuration. If you attempt to define an option which is not valid under your machine configuration, you will receive a message which indicates that the option is not available. Simply press the Return/Enter key to continue.
Follow the Installation Instructions in order to define all of the available options, recording each definition on the Installation Questionnaire form, found in chapter 4. The Installation Questionnaire form requires that you write your selections in the space provided. Due to space limitations, Appendix C: Recommended Questionnaire Entries contains recommended shorthand entries for the various options you may enter. This is provided so that there is consistency among users, making it easier for other users to decipher your selections.