Movies can be recorded at two sizes: 544x408 and 320x240. The larger the image size, the higher the image quality and the larger the file sizes. Image size is set in the movie menu.
Movies can be recorded at two frame rates: 15 fps and 30 fps. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the moving image and the larger the file sizes. Frame rate is set in the movie menu. The computer environment may affect the playback of 544x408 30fps movies.
If image size or frame rate is changed, the frame counter displays the approximate number of seconds that can be recorded at that setting on the installed memory card. The total time that can be stored on a memory card is determined by the size of the card and the recording rate. The actual file size is determined by the scene; some subjects can be compressed further than others.
Approximate recording rate 544x408 320x240
30fps 945KB/s 578KB/s
15fps 558KB/s 297KB/s Approximate capacity of a 128MB memory card
30fps | 2 min. 02 sec. | 3 min. 26 sec. |
15fps | 3 min. 24 sec. | 6 min. 42 sec. |
The movie mode option selects the type of movie recorded. Three options are available on the movie menu:
Standard movie - to record a color movie under normal lighting conditions.
Night Movie - to record under low light levels. Night Movies are black and white. While Night Movies can be recorded under normal conditions, bright outdoor lighting may be beyond the exposure control range.
Auto select - automatically switch between standard and Night Movie modes depending on the lighting conditions. When recording, the mode is fixed.