Voice Processor
Voice Processor Preset: Harmony
Chord Scan. The area is chosen with the CHORD SCAN-
NING buttons in the control panel.
Lower Lower area (under the Split Point).
Upper Upper area (under the Split Point).
Full The full extension of the keyboard.
Use this menu to choose a Set for the Harmony block. Sets con-
figure useful settings to pre-programmed values to allow you to
make changes quickly. Thi s corresponds to the option sele cted in
the “Easy Preset” page.
Sets the level for the overall Harmony effect in the current pre-
Portamento is a delayed response to the pitch movement of your
singing voice. It is also referred to as “Glide” in synthesizers. The
range of values equals approximately how long the upwards or
downwards slide will take to reach each new note.
Voice select buttons V1-V4
Use these buttons to select the individual voice to be pro-
Single Voice parameters boxVoicing
(Only available when the Chord or MP3 Audio Harmony Types
are selected.) Here you set the pitch shift intervals of voices 1
through 4 relative to your input pitch. The names of the intervals
change depending on the selected Harmony Type. In the Notes
mode, the Voicing parameters disappear entirely. The options
start at the lowest harmony interval and go the highest.
The Voicing parameter specifies the relation of the harmony
note to the input note with respect to the current chord. In
Chord mode presets, the harmony voices are always notes in the
chord. A setting of Up1 will result in the harmony voice being
the next note above the input voice in the chord. For instance, if
the chord was C Major and the input note was an E, an Up1 set-
ting would produce a G harmony voice, just above the input E.
This parameter controls the relative volume of each voice. This is
also where voices are turned on an off. The range of values goes
from Off to 0 dB (Full). Typically all voices are set at the same
level unless you want to highlight or minimize a particular voic-
ing interval.
(Only available when the Scale Harmony Type is selected.) This
parameter specifies the interval of the harmony note with
respect to the input note in the scale. The range of values goes
from -2VE, which is 2 octaves below the input note, to +2VE
which is two octaves above the input note. For example, a setting
of +3 will result in a h armony voice a third above the input voice .
(Only available when the Shift Harmony Type is selected.) In Shift
mode the voices are shifted relative to the input note. The values
range from -24 semitones to +24 semitones.
(Only available when the Notes Harmony Type is selected.) At low
values, Smoothing acts like pitch correction for the harmony
voices. With the voices corrected like this, some Portamento is
usually required to help soften note to note transitions unless a
robot-like effect is desired. Higher values offer progressively less
correction. Like Portamento, setting each voice with a unique
value of the Smoothing parameter helps the harmonies sound
more natural. When the Notes Harmony Type is selected, high
values of smoothing will sound out of tune.
Each voice may have a unique pan position. There are 100 possi-
ble steps in each of the left and right pan positions.
When the Notes Harmony Type is selected, you can select
between Narrow, Medium and Wide panning.
Each voice has its own timbre adjustment in the form of the
Gender control. Values below 0 lend each voice a more mascu-
line and deeper effect and values above 0 lend a more feminine
or thinner effect.
Other Harmony settingsHumanize Style
The term “humanize” simply means the application of processes
designed to increase realism. All harmony modes usually benefit
from careful application of humanizat ion styles that make each
harmony voice respond with small pitch and timing variations
different from your voice. Each Humanize Style configures each
of the four voices differently; Voice 1 has slightly different
parameter values than say Voice 4 in the same style but all four
voices will work together to produce a useful overall effect.
The various Humanization styles consist of various am ounts of
the following modifiers:
• Onset pitch events – This is also known as “scooping”
which adds a generated pitch trajectory for each new note
that is different than the sung note.
• Pitch modulation – A random wave generator wobbles the
pitch in non-periodic ways to simulate even the finest sing-
ers' pitch variation.
• Timing delay and modulation – Singers are unable to start
notes at the same time with the exactness of a machine so
this algorithm applies slight delays to the onset of notes and
then adds modulated time variation to sustained portions
of notes.
• Level (volume) modulation – This effect is like a subtle
tremolo with a non-periodic or semi random waveform
that simulates the way different singers change note vol-
umes as they sing.