Pad Record mode
Pad Track Controls: Sound/Expression
From Pad
Choose this option to select the source Pad to copy the Chord
Vari ati on fr om. Touc h th e Select button to open the Pad Select
window and select the source Pad.
From CV (Chord Variation)
Use this parameter to select the source Chord Variation.
All All Chord Variations, i.e. the whole Pad. You can’t
change the target, that is automatically set to All.
CV1…CV6 Single Chord Variation.
To CV (Chord Variation)
Use this parameter to select a target Chord Variation inside the
current Pad.
CV1…CV6 Target Chord Variation. Automatically set to All
if the “From CV” parameter is also set to All.
Touch this button to execute the operation set in this page.
Pad Track Control s: Sound/Exp ressionIn this page you can assign a Sound to the Pad track, adjust its
Volume (CC#07) and Expression (CC#11) values, and set vari-
ous other parameters, like the Keyboard Range, Track Type,
Trigger Mode, Tension and Wrap Around.
Sound assigned to the Pad track.
Pad Type
Use this parameter to decide if the Pad will play once or if it will
Note: While in Pad Record mode, the pattern is always played
back in loop, even if this parameter is set to “One Shot”.
One Shot When you press one of the PAD buttons, the cor-
responding Pad is only played once. This is useful
for playing Hits or Sequences that must only play
Loop When you press one of the PAD buttons, the cor-
responding Pad plays up to the end, then contin-
ues playing from the start. Press STOP in the
PAD section to stop it playing. This is useful for
playing cyclic sequences.
Use this knob to set the Expression (CC#11) value for the Pad
track. This value can be seen at the beginning of the Event Edit
The Expression is useful to balance the Pad with the other Pads.
For example, if you want the Pad you are recording to be mel-
lower than the average, just lower the Expression value.
Use this slider to set the Volume (CC#07) value for the Pad track.
This value is not saved with the Pad, and is only used to test the
Pad’s volume during editing or recording.
Keyboard Range
The Keyboard Range automatically transposes any pattern note
that would other wise play too high or to o low in pitch, com-
pared to the original acoustic instrument, when transposed by
the arranger. This will result in a more natural sound for the Pad
Note: The Keyboard Range is ig nored while recording. The Pad
track can play on the full range of the keyboard.
Trigger Mode
(Not available if Track Type = Drum). This setting lets you define
how Bass and Acc-type tracks are retriggered when the chord is
Off Each time you play a new chord, current notes
will be stopped. The track will remain silent until
a new note will be encountered in the pattern.
Rt (Retr igger) The sound will be stopped, and new
notes matching the recognized chord will be
played back.
Rp (Repitch) New notes matching the recognized
chord will be played back, by repitching notes
already playing. There will be no break in the
sound. This is very useful on Guitar and Bass
Track Ty pe
Use this parameter to set the type of the Pad track.
Drum Drum track. This type of track is not transposed
by the arranger, and is used for Drum Kits, or for
tracks that you don’t want to be transposed when
playing a different chord.
Bass Bass track. This type of track always plays the
root when changing chord.
Acc Accompaniment track. This type of track can be
used freely, for melodic or harmonic accompani-
ment patterns.
Tensi on
Tension adds notes (a 9th, 11th and/or 13th) that have actually
been played, even if they haven't been written in the Pad pattern.
This parameter specifies whether or not the Tension included in
the recognized chord will be added to an Acc-type track.
On The Tension will be added.
Off No Tension will be added.