Sound operating mode
Basic: OSC Basic
1st…6th The sound will begin from the offset location pre-
determined for each sample.
No Attack The initial portion of the multisample is ignored.
AMS Activates the Alternate Modulation Source (see
(Only works when more than one Offset point is
available in the multisample). Randomly selects
one of the available Offset points (including
Attack and Off).
These parameters specify the level of each multisample.
0…127 Multisample level.
Note: Depending on the multisample, high settings of this parame-
ter may cause the sound to distort when a chord is played. If this
occurs, lower the level.
Use this parameter to adjust the pitch of the selected osci llator in
octave units. The normal octave of the multisample is “0”.
-2…+1 Octave transposition.
Transp ose
Use this parameter to adjust the pitch of the selected osci llator in
semitone steps over a range of ±1 octave.
-12…+12 Transposition in semitones.
Use this parameter to adjust the pitch of the sample in one-cent
steps (a semitone is 100 cents) over a range of ±1 octave.
Fine-tune value in cents.
Velocity Multisample Switch Low-High
This is the velocity value dividing the High and Low layers for
the selected oscillator. Notes struck harder than this value will be
played by the High multisample.
AMS / Offset Intensity by AMS
(Only available when the AMS option is selected in the “Offset”
parameter.) Alternate Modulation Source for the Offset. See
“AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) list” on page77.
When the “Offset Intensity by AMS” parameter has a positive
value, the selected Offset point will depend on the AMS value.
For example, if the selected AMS is the Velocity, when playing
softly you will select the Off or 1st Offset, when playing loudly
you will select the 6th or No Attack Offset.
When the “Offset Intensity by AMS” parameter has a negative
value, the selection will happen in reverse (higher-numbered
Offsets will be selected before the lowest-numbered ones).
OSC Trigger ModeOSC Trigger parameters are used to set the condition to trigger
the selected Oscillator. For example, a Normal Oscillator will
always play, while a Legato Oscillator will only play when a note
is played Legato.
This is the trigger that allows the selected Oscillator to play.
Normal The Oscillator always plays when a key is pressed
(unless the “OSC Off when Sound Controllers are
On” parameter is checked).
Legato The Oscillator only plays when the note is played
‘legato’. The delay and pitch interval from the pre-
vious note are also to be considered, as set in the
Sound > Basic page (see “Legato as OSC Trigger”
Staccato The Oscillator only plays when the note is NOT
played legato (it is the opposite of the above
Sound Controller 1
The Oscillator only plays after a switch, fo ot-
switch or EC5 pedal programmed as the Sound
Controller 1 has been pressed. Press and release
it, and the next note will also trigger the selected
Oscillator. If you keep it pressed, the Oscillator
will continue to be triggered until you release the
Note: In Sequencer and Sound mode, the Assign-
able Switch 1 is automatically assigned to Sound
Controller 1.
Hint: This (like the following Sound Controllers) is
especially useful to enable a different nuance to the
following note(s).
Sound Controller 2
As the above, but with a switch, footswitch or EC5
pedal programmed as the Sound Controller 2.
Note: In Sequencer and Sound mode, the Assign-
able Switch 2 is automatically assigned to Sound
Controller 2.
Sound Controller Y+
As the above, but with the Joystick, assigned as
the Sound Controller, pushed at least half-way
forward (value 64). The controller is turned off
when the Joystick is released. This control is
equivalent to a CC#01 (Modulation) Control
Change message.
Sound Controller Y-
As the above, but with the Joystick, assigned as
the Sound Controller, pulled at least half-way
back (value 64). The controller is turned off when
the Joystick is released. This control is equivalent
to a CC#02 (Breath Controller) Control Change
Cycle 1 All Oscillators with this same trigger mode
assigned will play in cycle. For example, if Oscil-
lators 1, 2 and 4 are assigned the Cycle 1 trigger
mode, the following note will trigger Oscillator 1,
then 2, then 4, then 1 again.