Pad Record mode
The Pad structure
By entering the Pad Record mode, you can create your own Pads,
or edit an existing Pad.
The Pad structur e
A Pad is basically a single-track Style. Most of what applies to
Style recording also applies to Pad recording.
There are two different categories of Pads:
•“Hit” Pads. While they are
mostly used as non-transpos-
ing events, they can also be
transposing notes or chords.
Basically, they are single-note
or single-chord Sequences
(see below).
• “Sequence” Pads, i.e., complex
single-track patterns, that can
be transposed by playing dif-
ferent chords on the keyboard
– exactly as a Style track. They
are roughly equivalent to sin-
gle-element, single-track,
multi-chord variation Styles
(see illustration).
Each Pad is made up of up to six smaller units, called Chord
Vari ati on s (C V) . Each Chord Variation is made of a single track
(the Pad track).
Exactly as with the Styles, when playing a chord in the chord rec-
ognition area, the corresponding Chord Variation is recalled.
Recognized chords are associated to a Chord Variation by means
of the Chord Variation Table. Each Pad contains a Chord Varia-
tion Table.
As with the Styles, the Note Transposition Tables (NTT) applies
to the Pads.
The same differences between the different types of tracks
applies (see “Track Type” on page44).
What to record
Recording a Pad is a matter of recording a single track, inside a
series of Chord Variations, inside the Pad itself.
You don’t need to record all Chord Variations. It is often only
needed to record just a Chord Variation.
Pattern data vs. track data
While the Pad Record mode is where you can create or edit
music patterns for the Pad, track parameters (like Volume, Pan,
FX settings…) have to be edited in Style Play mode.
• After editing Pad Track parameters i n Style Play mo de, save
them to the Style Settings by selecting the “Write Current
Style Settings” command from the page menu of the Style
Play mode (see “Write Style Settings dialog box” on
page139 of the User’s Manual).
• After editing Pad Track parameters i n Style Play mo de, save
them to the Style Performance by selecting the Write Cur-
rent Style Performance command from the page menu of
the Style Play mode (see “Write Style Settings dialog box”
on page139 of the User’s Manual).
Entering the Pad Record mode
To enter Pad Record mode, go to the Style Play mode and press
RECORD. The Style/Pad Record Select window appears.
•Select Record/Edit Pad to select an existing Pad to edit. If
it is a Factory Pad, you may not be able to save it at the ori g-
inal location (depending on the status of the “Factory Style
and Pad Protect parameter in the Media > Preferences
page); you will select a User Pad location instead.
•Select Re cord New Pad to start from a new, empty Pad.
When finished recording, you will save the new Pad into a
User Pad location. (Pads can be saved into Factory Pad
locations only when the “Factory Style and Pad Protect”
parameter is set to Off).
When you have finished recording or editing the Hit or
Sequence Pad, please save it (see “Exit by saving or deleting
changes” below) and exit the Pad Record mode.
Then, go to the Pad page of the Style Play or Song Play mode,
assign the new Hit or Sequence to a Pad button, and adjust the
various Pad settings (Volume, Pan, and FX Send… see “Pad/
Switch: Pad” on page133 of the User’s Manual). Finally, save the
Pad settings by selecting the “Write Current Style Performance”
command from the page menu.
Note: While in Record mode, the footswitch and EC5 pedals are
disabled. On the contrary, volume/expression-type pedals can
be used.
Pad Record modePad
Pad Track