Sampling operating mode
Multisample: Key Assign
Fine tuning of the selected sample in cents (1 cent = 1/100 of a
From … To
Range of the selected Zone (or Index). The minimum size is one
key. When reducing the range of a zone, the adjacent one is auto-
matically increased to fill the gap.
Hint: To create a silent zone, create it and assign no sample to it.


Touch this button to split the current zone in half, and create a
new zone (Index) on the left of the selected one.
Touch this button to add a new zone (Index) after the last one.
Touch this button to delete the selected Zone/Index. The zone
on the right of the deleted one is automatically ex tended to fill
the gap.
Multisample: Key Assign
Use this page to see and edit the samples assigned to each Key-
board Range/Index in the multisample. This page gives a better
display of the assigned samples and their range on the keyboard.

MS (MultiSample)

See “MS (MultiSample)” on page89.

Sample list

List of samples assigned to the selected multisample. Use the big
button with an arrow on top and to the bottom of the list to
scroll the list up or down.

Keyboard ranges

Next to each sample name the low and high Zone limits appear.
Edit these values to change the Zone range. The Original Note is
shown in red.
Page menu
Touch the page menu icon to open the menu. Touch a command
to select it. Touch anywhere in the display to close the menu
without selecting a command.
Select this command to open the Write Sample, Write Multisam-
ple or Write Slice dialog box (depending on the page you are in),
and do the following:
Write Samp le: Saves the sample to the internal HD
(KHD_SYSTEM). See “Write Sample dialog box” on page92, for
more information.
Write Mult isa mple : Saves the multisample to the internal HD
(KHD_SYSTEM). See “Write MultiSample dialog box” on
page92 for more information.
Write Slice: After a Time Slice opration, saves the Sound and
Multisample to the internal HD (KHD_SYSTEM), and the sliced
Samples to the internal HD (KHD_SYSTEM). See “Write Slice
dialog box” on page92 for more information.
Select this command to open the Delete Sample or Delete Multi-
Sample dialog box (depending on the page you are in):
Delete Sample: Deletes one or all samples and multisamples
from the hard disk. See “Delete Sample dialog box” on page93
for more information.
Delete MultiSample: Deletes a multisample, or all samples and
multisamples from memory. See “Delete Multisample dialog
box” on page 93 for more information.
Select this command to automatically rescale the level of the
selected sample. Peaks will be raised to -0dB (i.e., maximum vol-
ume before clipping), while the remaining parts of the sample
will be proportionally raised.
Normalization optimizes the sample’s level relative to other sam-
ples, making all samples sound more uniformly. It also helps
optimizing signal/noise ratio, by preventing further stages of
amplification from increasing any residual noise.
Select this command to cut the selected part of the sample
(inside the “Start” and “End” points).
Sample list
Keyboard ranges