Event editing procedure when the Ctrl track is selected
The procedure is the same as for the Kbd track, but the “Event Filter” page will not appear.
Also, the events that are displayed will be different. (☞ p.56 “Control event type list”)
Event editing procedure when the Chord track is selected
The procedure is the same as for the Ctrl track.
If two or more chord events are input at the same location, only one will be valid.
In the case of chord events, the same chord will be used following that event.
If you set the event data to “No Chord,” the performance following that event will con- sist only of Drum and Perc.
If you want to input a bass note that is differ- ent than the tonic of the chord (i.e., as when “Bass Inv.” is on), press the “/Bass” button to highlight it.
If you are not using an “on” chord, input the same chord for the denominator and numera- tor.
Event editing procedure when the Tempo track is selected
The procedure is the same as for the Kbd track, but the “Event Filter” page will not appear.
Only tempo events will be displayed.
Basic operation
Moving between measures
Press the measure cell, and use the dial or the [VALUE] switches to specify the measure. At this time, you will move in steps of the bar lines
Selecting the type of event to edit
Use the “▼” and “▲” buttons.
Inserting an event
When you press the “Insert” button, a new event will be inserted above the currently selected event.
The type and location of the event can be changed after it has been inserted.
Editing an event
In the center line, press a cell other than the measure, and use the dial or the [VALUE] switches to edit the event. When you have finished editing, press the “Set” button.
If you have changed the location, the event will move to the specified location when you press the “Set” button.
Deleting an event
Move to the event that you wish to delete, and press the “Delete” button.
It is not possible to delete a bar line.
To delete a measure, use the “Delete Measure” page.
Completing event editing
When you have finished editing, press the [EXIT] switch to return to the “Rec 3/3” page.
“Song Name” page
Here you can edit the song name.
Characters: Use the dial or the [VALUE] switches to select.
“o” button: Move the cursor to the left.
“k” button: Move the cursor to the right.
“Set” button: Finalize the selected character.
“Delete” button: Delete the character at the cursor location.
“Insert” button: Insert a character at the cur- sor location.
“Return” button: After editing the name, press the “Return” button to return to the previous screen.
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