C.3. RS-232C/RS-422A Protocol
A protocol is a set of rules the computer follows in sending data to the printer. The
H1: Baud rate
Parameter value | Baud rate |
3 | 300 |
6 | 600 |
12 | 1200 |
24 | 2400 |
48 | 4800 |
96 | 9600 |
19 | 19200 |
38 | 38400 |
57 | 57600 |
11 | 115200 |
The factory setting is 9600 baud.
H2: Data bits
7 or 8,
H3: Stop bits
1 or 2,
H4: Parity
Parameter value | Meaning |
0 | None |
1 | Odd |
2 | Even |
3 | Ignore |
The factory setting is "None" (0 on the status printout).