Appendix C Host Computer Interface
Paper Empty [PError] (Pin 12)
This signal goes high when the printer runs out of paper.
On-Line [Select] (Pin 13)
This signal is high when the printer is
Note _____________________________________________________________________
The Paper Empty and
Auto-Feed [nAutoFd] (Pin 14)
This signal is used in the Epson version of the Centronics interface to receive a carriage return. In
+5V DC (Pin 18)
This line is connected to the printer‘s +5V DC line (+5V ±0.5V, 250 mA).
Prime [nInit] (Pin 31)
This signal is used in the standard Centronics interface to enable the computer to reset the printer. It is ignored by the printer.
Error* [nFault] (Pin 32)
When the