Appendix C Host Computer Interface
Serial (RS-232C/RS-422A) Interface (Option)
Mounting the optional serial interface kit
RS-232C interface
Interface Signals
The pins of the printer’s
Table C. 2. RS-232C Signal Pin Assignments
Pin | In/out | Signal | Description |
1 | – | FG | Frame ground |
2 | Out | TXD | Transmit Data |
3 | In | RXD | Receive Data |
4 | Out | RTS | Request To Send |
5 | In | CTS | Clear To Send |
6 | In | DSR | Data Set Ready |
7 | – | SG | Signal Ground |
20 | Out | DTR | Data Terminal Ready |
Brief descriptions of the signals follow.
FG – Frame Ground – (Pin 1)
This pin is connected directly to the printer frame.