
Error log

Viewing the error log

The error log provides a history of printer errors. The error log contains the 12 most recent errors that have occurred on the printer. The most recent error displays in position 1 and the oldest error displays in position 12 (if 12 errors have occurred). If an error occurs after the log is full, the oldest error is discarded. Identical errors in consecutive positions in the log are entered. All 2xx and 9xx error messages are stored in the error log.

To view the error log:

1.Select Display Log from the error log menu.

The error log displays on three screens as only four entries display at a time.

2.To move to the next screen press Menu> to move forward or <Menu to move backward.

3.Press Return or Stop to exit the error log.

Printing the error log

The history of printer errors can also be printed. The printout of the log contains the following information for each error in the log:

Model and serial number of the printer

Page count when the error occurred

Code versions of all packages when error occurred

Panel display when error occurred

Debug information depending on error (no debug information for 900 service errors)

The extra information is intended to assist in diagnosing problems quicker.

To print the error log:

1.Select Print Log from the error log menu.

2.Press Return or Stop to exit the error log.

Diagnostic aids 3-19

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Lexmark 5021-0XX manual Error log, Viewing the error log, Printing the error log