Unsupported USB device, please remove
Remove the unrecognized USB device.
Unsupported USB hub, please remove
Remove the unrecognized USB hub.
Some USB flash drives have a built-in USB hub, and these flash drives are not supported.
The printer is using a USB cable con nection. The USB port is the ac tive communication link.
The printer has received data to print, but is waitin g for an End-of -Job command, a Form Feed com mand, or additi onal
Press to print the contents of the buffer.
Cancel the current print job.
Waiting for redial
The printer is waiting to redial the fax number. W ait for the message to clear.
31.yy Replace defective or missing car tridge
The toner cartridge is either missing or not functioning pr operly.
Try one or more of the following:
Remove the toner cartridge, and then reinstall i t.
Remove the toner cartridge, and then install a new one.
34 Short paper
The printer paper size setting did not match the length of the paper that entered the printer.
Try one or more of the following:
Press to clear the message and continue printing.
Press , and then press to cancel printing.
Make sure the paper size settin g matches the size of the pap er in the tray.
35 Insufficient memory to support Resource Save feature
The printer lacks sufficient me mory to save settings. Instal l additional memory, or press to disable Resource Save
and continue printing.