Using recycled paper and other office papers

As an environmentally conscious company, Lexmar k supports the use of recycled office pape r produced specifically
for use in laser (electrophotographic) printers. In 1998, Lexmark presented to the US govern ment a study
demonstrating that recycled paper produced by major mills in the US fed as well as non-recycled paper. However ,
no blanket statement can be made that all recycled paper will feed well.
Lexmark consistently tests its printers with recycled paper (20–100% post-consumer waste) and a variety of test paper
from around the world, using chamber tests for different temperature and humidity conditions. Lexmark has found
no reason to discourage the use of today's recycled of fice papers, but generally the following property guidelines
apply to recycled paper.
Low moisture content (4–5%)
Suitable smoothness (100–200 Sheffield units, or 140– 350 Bendtsen units, European)
Note: Som e m u c h s m o o t he r p a p e r s ( s u c h a s p rem i u m 24 l b l a s e r pa p e r s , 50 – 9 0 S h e ff i e l d u n it s ) a n d m uc h r o u g h e r
papers (such as premium cotton papers, 200–300 Sheffield u nits) have been engineered to work very well in
laser printers, despite surface texture. Before using t hese types of paper, consult your paper su pplier.
Suitable sheet-to-sheet coefficient of friction (0.4–0.6)
Sufficient bending resistance in the direction of feed
Recycled paper, paper of lower weight (<60 g/m2 [16 lb bond]) and/or lower caliper (<3.8 mils [0.1 mm]), and paper
that is cut grain-short for portrait (or short-edge) fed printers may have lower bending resistance than is required for
reliable paper feeding. Before using these types o f paper for laser (electrophotograp hic) printing, consult your pap er
supplier. Remember that these are general guidelines only and that pa per meeting these guidelines may still cause
paper feeding problems in any laser print er (for example, if the paper curls exces sively under normal printing
Storing paper
Use these paper storage guidelines to help avoid jams and uneven print quality:
For best results, store paper where the temperature is 21°C (70°F) and the relative humidity is 40%. Most lab el
manufacturers reco mmend printing in a temperatur e range of 18 to 24°C (65 to 75°F ) with relative h umidity
between 40 and 60%.
Store paper in cartons when possible, on a pall et or shelf, rather than on the floor.
Store individual packages on a flat surface.
Do not store anything on top of individual paper packages.
Paper and specialty media guidelines