fSelect a Destination, and then cl ick Continue.
gFrom the Easy Install screen, click Install.
hType the user password, and then click OK.
All necessary software is installed on the co mputer.
iClick Restart when insta llation is compl ete.
2Add the printer:
aFor IP printing:
In Mac OS X version 10.5 or later
1From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
2Click Print & Fax.
3Click +.
4Select the printer from the list.
5Click Add.
In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier
1From the Go menu, choose Applications.
2Double-click Utilities.
3Locate and double-click Printer Setup Utility or Print Center.
4From the Printer List, choose Add.
5Select the printer from the list.
6Click Add.
bFor AppleTalk printing:
In Mac OS X version 10.5
1From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
2Click Print & Fax.
3Click +.
4Click AppleTalk.
5Select the printer from the list.
6Click Add.
In Mac OS X version 10.4
1From the Go menu, choose Applications.
2Double-click Utilities.
3Locate and double-click Print Center or Printer Setup Utility.
4From the Printer List, choose Add.
5Choose the Default Browser tab.
6Click More Printers.
7From the first pop-up menu, choose AppleTalk.
8From the second pop-up menu, choose Local Appl eTalk zone.
9Select the printer from the list.
10 Click Add.
Additional printer setup