
You can place calls to 911(dial ), even if yourphone is locked oryouraccount is restricted.

Note Whenyouplaceanemergencycall,yourphone automaticallyentersEmergencymode.

During an emergency call, press to select your options.

 SpeakerOn orSpeakerOff toroutethe phone'saudio

through thespeakerorthroughtheearpiece.

 Select SpeakerOn to route the phone’s audio

through the speaker. (You can adjust the speaker

volume using the volume keys on the side of the


Note WhenyouareinEmergencymode,youcanexit onlyfromtheoptionsmenu.


This phone features an embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) chip necessary forutilizing E911 emergency location services where available.

When you place an emergency 911call, the GPS feature of yourphone seeks information to calculate your approximate location. Depending on several variables, including availability and access to satellite signals, it may take up to 30 seconds ormore to determine and report yourapproximate location.


 Select SpeakerOff to use the phone’s earpiece.

 PhoneNumber todisplay yourwireless phone number.


1.Press to end a 911call.

2.Select ExitEmergency and press .


Alwaysreportyourlocationtothe911 operatorwhenplacinganemergencycall.

Somedesignatedemergencycalltakers, knownasPublicSafetyAnsweringPoints (PSAPs)maynotbeequippedtoreceiveGPS locationinformationfromyourphone.



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LG Electronics LX400 manual CallingEmergencyNumbers, Enhanced911E911Information, ToexitEmergencymode