10/100/1000 4-Port VPN Router
Does the Router support any operating system other than Windows 98, Millennium, 2000, or XP? Yes, but Linksys does not, at this time, provide technical support for setup, configuration or troubleshooting of any
Does the Router support ICQ send file?
Yes, with the following fix: click ICQ menu => preference => connections tab=>, and check I am behind a firewall or proxy. Then set the firewall
I set up an Unreal Tournament Server, but others on the LAN cannot join. What do I need to do?
If you have a dedicated Unreal Tournament server running, you need to create a static IP for each of the LAN computers and forward ports 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of the server. You can also use a port forwarding range of 7777 to 27900. If you want to use the UT Server Admin, forward another port (8080 usually works well but is used for remote admin. You may have to disable this.), and then in the [UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.ini file, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) and ServerName to the IP assigned to the Router from your ISP.
Can multiple gamers on the LAN get on one game server and play simultaneously with just one public IP address?
It depends on which network game or what kind of game server you are using. For example, Unreal Tournament supports
How do I get
The default client port for
How can I block corrupted FTP downloads?
If you are experiencing corrupted files when you download a file with your FTP client, try using another FTP program.
The web page hangs; downloads are corrupt, or nothing but junk characters are being displayed on the screen. What do I need to do?
Force your Ethernet adapter to 10Mbps or half duplex mode, and turn off the
Ethernet adapter as a temporary measure. (Please look at the Network Control Panel in your Ethernet adapter’s
Advanced Properties tab.) Make sure that your proxy setting is disabled in the browser. Check our website at
www.linksys.com for more information.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting | 72 |
Frequently Asked Questions