Disk Management
Sends an email to the specified users when the following events occur:
•Notification - Sets the
•HDD Event - A notification is sent if a Hard Drive event is detected (set to ON/ OFF).
•Notifications can be enabled for each
channel for:
zVideo Loss
zMotion can be selected
NOTE: Emails will be sent at 5 minute intervals for the duration of the Event.Disk Management
•Record Time Limit - Setup for the Recording Time Limit (OFF, 12h, 1~3 days, 1 week or 1 month).
NOTE: The Record Time Limit refers to the length of time data will be kept on the drive. For example:
The Record Time Limit is set to 1 week. The System records data from the 1st of the month through the 7th of the month. On the 8th of the month, it will begin overwriting data (hour by hour) that occurred on the 1st of the month. On the 9th of the month, it will begin overwriting data that occurred on the 2nd of the month. The OVERWRITE feature must be ON for the Record Time Limit feature to work.
• Overwrite - Determines how data is maintained when the Hard Drive is full.:
zON - When Overwrite is set to ON, data will be overwritten when the Hard Drive is full, starting with the Oldest recording, or based on the Record Time Limit settings.
zOFF - When Overwrite is set to OFF, the data will not be overwritten when the Hard Disk is Full. Recording will Stop, and the Buzzer will be Activated.