Fractions and Decimals

The system recognizes a slash (/) with a number


before and after it as a fraction. For example, for 1/3,


the system says "one third." The system also


recognizes decimal points. For example, for 2.50, the


system says "two point five zero."


The system ignores most punctuation, including the




Comma (,)


Exclamation point (!)


Parentheses ()


Dash (-), except with numbers before and after it


Colon and semicolon


Brackets, both square [ ] and curly { }


Question mark (?)


Slash (/) and backslash (\)


Double quotes (")


Smily face -- colon and right parenthesis (:))


Apostrophe (').NOTE: The system pronounces



contractions correctly.


The system ignores a period (.) at the end of a


sentence or when a space follows the period. The


system says "period" if text follows the period. For


example, U.S.A. is pronounced "U period S period A."

Spoken symbols

The system pronounces some symbols as follows:


ampersand (&) as "and"


plus sign (+) as "plus sign"

equals sign (=) as "equals sign"

greater than (>) as "greater than sign" less than (<) as "less than sign"

percent sign (%) as "percent sign"

dollar sign ($$) as "dollar sign," or "dollars" when followed by numbers

at sign (@) as "at sign"

minus sign (-) as "minus" (with a number before and after it)


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Lucent Technologies System 75, SYSTEM 85 manual