17.3.1 Private remote session
When starting a remote session and there are no other logged in users a user can
prevent other users from connecting to his session, from the Toolbarsee
Exclusive session on page 113.
17.4 Displaying the Toolbar
The Toolbar appears briefly at the top of the screen, see Figure 102. It disappears
when the mouse is not over it. To make it reappear, glide the mouse over the top of
the screen. To display the Toolbar permanantly, click the tack icon on the
17.5 Virtual Media
Virtual Media (only appears when the Target is connected to a PX USB). With
Virtual Media you can mount virtually onto the Target, removable mass storage
devices connected to the Client computer.
This includes:
· Floppy drive
· ISO Image of CD\DVD
· USB Flash Drives (Disk on key tokens)
· Miscellaneous USB memory sticks/cards identified by the operating
system as removable mass storage devices
1. From the Toolbar click /Virtual Media, the Virtual Media dialog box
appears, see Figure 104.
Figure 104 Virtual Media