Fixed mode allows you to select the high, medium or low bandwidth option. For
example, in a LAN environment, it is best to set the bandwidth setting on High. For
VPN and internet environments you may want to alter the settings to increase
Bandwidth - Choose from the following options
High - For optimal performance when working on a LAN, select High. This gives
a low compression and high colors (16bit).
Medium - Select medium for medium compression and 256 colors. Medium is
recommended when using a standard internet connection.
Low - Select Low for high compression and 16 colors.
Adaptive mode
Adaptive mode automatically adapts to the best compression and colors according
to the network conditions.
Click OK. The chosen setting take effect and the screen of the last accessed Target
Server appears.
17.9 Adjusting the Video settings To change the video settings:
From the Toolbar, click . You have the following options:
· Refresh
· Video Adjust
· Advanced
Each option is explained below.
17.9.1 Refresh
Select Refresh to refresh the Video image. Refresh may be needed when changing
the display attributes of a Target Server.
17.9.2 Video Adjust
To adjust the video automatically:
Click Video Adjust. The process takes a few seconds. If the process runs for more
than 3 times, there is an abnormal noise level. Check the video cable and verify that
no dynamic video application is running on the Target Server’s desktop.
Perform the procedure where necessary for each Target Server or new screen