· 1 digit and
· 1 upper case letter and
· 1 “special character as follows: !.@#$%^ *( )_-+= [ ]{ }
· Must not include the user name
Standard Policy password:
· 6 characters or more
· Must not include the user name
You can write any character (except the specialcharacters: &, <, >, ”,) and any
number of characters for the password. (See page 22).
12.1.1 Account blocking
You can block entry into the system after a number of unsuccessful attempts by a
user inputting the wrong password.
To do so:
1. Select the Account blocking checkbox. The following appears.
Figure 77 Account blocking
Choose the number of attempts within a time period and for how long to block the
account for.
12.2 External authentication (LDAP)
LDAP, (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), is a standard protocol for
accessing information in a directory.
LDAP defines processes by which a client can connect to an X.500-compliant or
LDAP-compliant directory service to add, delete, modify, or search for
information, provided the client has sufficient access rights to the directory. For
example, a user could use an LDAP client to query a directory server on the
network for information about specific users, computers, departments, or any other
information stored in the directory.
Note! AccessIT supports Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 Active Directory
LDAP Authentication.