7.7 Creating a Target Set You can group Targets into sets. E.g. make a set of all financial servers in the
system. You can then give users access rights per the Target Set rather than per
individual Targets. Target Sets appear as a Favorites folder for users on the Access
To create a new Target Set:
1. From the Targets page, click . The following appears.
Targets that are
members of this
Target set appear
All Targets in the system
appear here
Figure 31 New Target Set – Targets tab
2. Name: - Type a unique name for the Target set.
3. Description – Type a description.
4. From the All Targets list, select the checkboxes of the Targets you want to add
to the Target set. The Targets appear in the Assigned Targets list.
7.7.1 Access Permissions tab
You can choose which Users and Groups can have access permissions to the Target
Press the Access Permissions tab. The following appears.